Thursday, February 16, 2006
the question read over the air...
A couple of weeks ago the radio station said to email in questions to as the governor. The interview I don't think went as planed as there were hardly any questions asked. But this morning I woke to this letter being read ...
The question to ask: Do you have the nickname 'blade' from the President?
I am a republican who did not vote for the governor because I saw who he really is. I have lost all pride in my once beloved state of Indiana. I will be making my cuts this coming election especially when Ulmer and Riegsecker who sided with their party leader and failed to listen to their people. Sorry, Ulmer, but I will not stand for the governor's strong tactics.
For the name calling I do not appreciate being called fat (his health incentive) nor stupid (time issue) nor business dumb (toll road). (Who does business with a 75 year give away? How do you keep tabs on how we are being taken care of?)
I believe that the best characteristic for any person is compassion. Traveling in an RV does not mean compassion. Have you ever wondered why you did not see much of his family? I have .... a way to test for the compassion factor.